7 Tips for Choosing the Best Baby Bassinets

Being a parent is never easy. It comes with a lot of challenges and surprises – some delightful, while some frightful. But, everything considered, entering parenthood is one of the best gifts one can ever give to themselves. The feeling of holding your little one in your arms is incomparable to anything else in this world.
One of the many decisions you’ll have to make as a parent is finding the best place for your baby to sleep. You want something that’s comfortable, safe, and best portable bassinets so you can take it with you wherever you go. A baby bassinet is a great option for all of these things. But, with so many portable bassinets on the market, how do you choose the best one for your baby? Whether you’re traveling or at home, ensuring that your baby sleeps peacefully is probably one of the most important things you can do for them.
At TheMummyCenter, we encounter hundreds of requests asking us to elaborate on the best tips for choosing a baby bassinet. So, we decided to put together this post where we will be discussing the five most important factors, regardless of if you’re searching for a travel bassinet or a foldable bassinet.

Here are 7 tips for choosing the Best Baby Bassinet:

1. Know Your Baby’s Sleep Needs

The first step in choosing the best baby bassinet for your infant is to understand their sleep needs. All babies are different and will have different requirements when it comes to napping and sleeping. Some infants love being in a bassinet, while others prefer to be in their crib in the same room as their parents. Some cribs allow the ability to attach a crib mobile to them, which keeps the baby entertained, eventually leading them to a peaceful sound sleep.
It’s important to do your research and ask other parents if you want to know what has worked best for them. Once you have a good idea of what your baby prefers, it will be easier to choose a bassinet that meets their needs. Our team at TheMummyCenter has not only interviewed lots of parents, but also helped them test all sorts of bassinets. After rigorous research, we wanted to share some pertinent questions when it comes to deciding which is the best baby bassinet for your little bundle of joy.

2. Consider the Size and Weight of the Bassinet

The next thing you’ll want to take into consideration is the size and weight of the bassinet. It is completely understandable that every parent has a different routine, and hence, their needs may vary as well. But, when it comes to babies, every parent has just these goals in mind – comfort, safety, and a peaceful sleep. The weight is also an important factor to consider, especially if you plan on using the bassinet while traveling. A heavier bassinet can be difficult to carry and may even cause back pain. You don’t want a bassinet that your baby may outgrow in a matter of weeks. But, at the same time, you don’t want something too big that takes up a lot of space in your home.
TheMummyCenter recommends that you opt for a bassinet that has an adjustable height. This will be beneficial as your baby grows and starts to sit up on their own. It’s also important to make sure that the bassinet you choose can be easily folded so you can take it with you on trips.

3. Look for a Bassinet With Breathable Mesh Sides

One of the most important safety features to look for in a bassinet is breathable mesh sides. This is especially important if you plan on using the bassinet for your newborn baby. Newborns are not able to control their body temperature and are at a higher risk for SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). A bassinet with mesh sides allows air to circulate and helps regulate your baby’s body temperature.
New parents are too often bombarded with information about the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, but little do they know that all it takes to eradicate this risk is by just having a safe environment for your little prince or princess. This is where features such as breathable mesh sides and mattress usually come into play. As the name suggests, breathable mesh is a material used on the sides to allow air ventilation and help regulate the temperature. TheMummyCenter recommends that you choose a bassinet with a removable and washable mesh cover. This will make it easy to keep the bassinet clean and free of germs.

4. Make Sure the Mattress is firm

When it comes to your baby’s sleeping surface, you’ll want to make sure that the mattress is firm. A soft mattress can pose a suffocation risk for your infant. The safest option for your baby is a bassinet with a firm mattress that fits snugly in the frame. You’ll also want to make sure that there are no gaps between the mattress and the sides of the bassinet. The best way to test the firmness of the mattress is to press down on it with your hand. If it bounces back easily, then it’s a good sign.
There are numerous mattresses to choose from, but it is strongly suggested to choose one that fits right with the portable bassinet you have at home or if you’re buying one. At early stages, kids usually spend most of their time sleeping – which sometimes is a blessing after an exhausting day at work, LOL! But more importantly, they would only be able to sleep peacefully if they’re on a firm mattress. Therefore, it is always advised to choose a mattress that is not too soft nor too hard, and TheMummyCenter suggests you to look for one that is made of memory foam.

5. Make Sure the Bassinet is Easy to Assemble and Clean

Let’s face it, babies are messy! They spit up, have accidents, and sometimes even throw up in their sleep. So, it’s important to choose a best baby bassinet with easy-to-clean fabric.
Hence, another important factor to consider when choosing a baby bassinet is how easy it is to assemble and clean. You don’t want something that’s going to take hours to put together, especially if you plan on using it for travel. And, as we all know, babies can be messy! So, you’ll want something that’s easy to wipe down and keep clean.
You should be able to clean your bassinet with some basic cleaning supplies at home. Long gone are the days when you had to undergo a complete process of cleaning, but let’s face it! The cleaner your portable bassinet is, the happier the baby would be.

6. Check the Reviews Before You Buy

The final step in choosing the best bassinet for your baby is to read reviews. TheMummyCenter has already provided a complete guide to choosing the right baby bassinet for your loved one. Thanks to the internet, everything is just so readily available that parents can be really informed before making their purchase decision, and this in fact is a blessing because you can check the reviews of different products and make an educated decision.

7. Look for Additional Features

Some bassinets come with additional features that can make your life as a parent a little easier. For example, some bassinets come with storage baskets underneath for holding diapers, wipes, and other essentials. Others have rocking bases that can help soothe your baby to sleep. And, some even come with MP3 players so you can play lullabies for your little one. When you’re shopping for a bassinet, keep an eye out for these additional features and decide which ones would be most useful for you and your family.
Time to Get Ready!
Choosing the best baby bassinet doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Just keep these seven tips in mind and you’ll be sure to find the perfect one for your family.
TheMummyCenter hopes this guide was of some help. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to reach out!

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